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Bronchoscopy : Endobrochial Ultrasound (EBUS)

We at Hari Daya Super Speciality Centre have best arrangement for Bronchoscopy under the best guidance of Dr. Ashish Tandon and his team.

What is Bronchoscopy?
Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic technique of visualizing the inside of lung's airways for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. A medical instrument is inserted into the airways, usually through the nose or mouth, or occasionally through a tracheostomy.

Bronchoscopy is not like X-Rays which take "photographs" of the lung or chest, using bronchoscopy the doctor can see inside the windpipes(an area not clearly shown on x-rays) and helps  in making the diagnosis and in planning the right treatment for patients with lung disease. 

When is bronchoscopy necessary?
Doctor will usually request a bronchoscopy when they suspect something is wrong with patient's airways or lungs. Cronic cough, the coughing of blood, or an abnormality on a chest x-ray are the most common reasons. The results will help your doctor determine what is wrong and how to help you in the most effective way.

Preparation for your bronchoscopy
Patient will be required to not eat or drink for 6 hours before the bronchoscopy. If you normally take any tablets, discuss with your doctor before the test, what you can take and when to take them. Your doctor will advise you about when to fast, what to do with your medication and the place and time of your bronchoscopy. 

If you are a diabetic who takes insulin, special arrangements may need to be made. It is wise to arrange for someone to accompany you home after the procedure because the sedation you may be given for the bronchoscopy could make it unsafe for you to drive or to travel alone on public

What happens during your bronchoscopy?
Patient's blood tests may also be taken before the bronchoscopy starts. Usually, the bronchoscopy is done with the help of some sedative drugs. The test usually takes about 20 minutes. When you arrive for your test, you may be given local anaesthetic spray or gargle for your nose and throat. This numbs the nose and throat, reducing any discomfort during the bronchoscopy but often makes you cough a little to begin with. You may also be given a sedative injection, but will not be completely "sent to sleep" as you might for a major operation. You may also be given an injection which dries up the saliva in the mouth. Sometimes, instead of sedation you may be advised to have a full general anaesthetic.

After your bronchoscopy
The numbness of the throat from the local anaesthetic usually takes 1-2 hours to wear off, during which time you should not have anything to eat or drink as it may go down the "wrong way". You will be kept under nursing supervision during this time. Sometimes, after special biopsies of the lung tissue, you may be advised to have an x-ray. If you are being tested for tuberculosis, you may be required to wear a mask
or stay in the recovery room with a nurse after the procedure. 

For more details, please contact Haridaya Superspecality Centre or contact us at 9792456999 / 9336281819 / 8004915141 or email us at info@chestspecialistallahabad.com. We have extensive experience in offering wide range of Chest Treatments.